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indian woods collection

Jewelry from the Indian Woods Collection feature antlers pendants, elk burr, and antler tines!  The antler pendants, elk burr & antler tines come from deer and elk that naturally shed their horns once a year and leave their beauty for us to find in the woods.  Each antler is different and unique!  

10% of all proceeds will be donated to Childhood Cancer Research.  

indian woods collection
12 results
Points Necklace
Sold Out
Points Necklace
$ 75.00
Points Necklace
Sold Out
Points Necklace
$ 75.00
Points Necklace
Points Necklace
$ 75.00
Antler Tine Necklace
Antler Tine Necklace
Antler Tine Necklace
Antler Tine Necklace
Short Antler Classic
Points Necklace
Points Necklace
$ 75.00
Short Antler Classic
Antler Classic Necklace
Antler Tip Bead Bracelet
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